Season 5 will consist of 10+ players.
It will be broken into two groups of 10+
The top player of each group will play the Final round against each other. There will be no other crossover play between groups.
Proxies must be colored.
Players are not required to submit deck lists this season.
Players may change deck lists after each trimester.
Players will have one week in order to complete their match. At the end of the week if players have not reported their match results, the match will be considered a draw.
Players are allowed a substitute player if they are unable to play a match during the league. Substitute players must use the deck lists of the player they’re substituting. The original player is responsible for submitting all deck lists. Players are responsible for making sure their substitute has the 75 cards listed in your deck list to play their match. Top four format Each player submits 1 deck.
Players play one best of five match. Players will play the first two games pre-boarded.
Players may not change decks once top four has started.
Higher Seed Determines Play draw for Each Match
Vintage season five Players:
1. Edward Bonar II
2. Ryan Chimzar
3. Joseph Peo
4. Brandon watson
5. Curtis Thompson
6. Nick price
7. Bo Zhang
8. Warren Bubb III
9. Austin Elliot
10. Kile Fitzgerald
11. Dirk Megee
12. Tim Everett
13. James Adams
14. Andrew Higganbotham
15. Robin Mannas
16. Logan Morris
17. Greg Rhan
18. Joseph Maino
19. Alex Kibner
20. Jamie Rutledge
Oklahoma Land Run Vintage Season 5